Domain based FDP on “Overview of intellectual property rights and patent filing procedure”

Date: 10/11/2021                                            Time:  2:00 PM – 3:45 PM

The Department of Applied Sciences-Physics in association with QASDC department organized a Domain based FDP on “Overview of intellectual property rights and patent filing procedure”.  The resource person Dr. Rudresh M. M.Tech, Ph.D, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, who has published 13 patents and got granted 03 patents, addressed our faculties about IPR and its filing procedure. Detailed discussions were held about various procedures involved in filing patents. He clearly explained the faculty members regarding difference between copyright and patent. The session was very interactive and useful for the faculty members. Further sessions with case studies are to be held in near future to get hands on experience on the process of patent filing.

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