Guest Lecture on Quantum Computing

Brief profile of Dr. Tribikram Gupta
Dr. Tribikram Gupta has done his PhD from Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad in Condensed matter theory where he worked on superconductivity in d-wave superconductors. He has done Post Doctoral fellowships at various institutes like Indian Institute of Science, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Institute of Mathematical Science (Chennai), Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Indian Association for Cultivation of Sciences and other research institutes of eminence.
He has worked on varied problems and numerical techniques like superconductivity, Manganites, Pnictides, interplay between correlations and disorder, Quantum and classical Monte Carlo, simulated annealing, Dynamical mean field theory amongst others. He has also worked on heterostructures and interfaces.
After joining RVCE he has been involved in teaching and research, using techniques like molecular dynamics and density functional theory to study gas separation in nanoporous graphene and other porous materials. He is also the co-ordinator for the Centre of Excellence on Quantum Computation and engages in training and research activities in that area as well.
The Short Note:
The Guest speaker of the day was introduced to the students by Dr Prashanth K S , Associate Professor, Department of applied sciences (Physics) over the videoconferencing platform. Over 270 students attended the session enthusiastically. The speaker opened the session with an introduction to classical computing .Subsequently speaker introduced the concepts of quantum computation viz., Qubit, Quantum superposition, Quantum entanglement leading to quantum gates. He also emphasized on Shannon entropy . The session was followed by Q&A by students.

Other remarks:
The students expressed their views accordingly
The quantum computer is a useful topic for our Future Artificial Intelligence and the presentation was very good and useful and easily understandable.
Content of the talk was informative
It was a very insightful meeting, thank you to the management for organising it, looking forward to more such meetings.
Very informative session
Good Got to know more abt quantum computing… Was interesting
This session is useful for me and gave more information about quantum computing