Induction Program – 1st Year B E (BSH – Physics & Chemistry Cycle)

- On 11th February 2020, The department of BSH had organized a Induction Program for First Year Students of Physics and Chemistry cycle conducted by Disha Charitable Trust for Value Initiatives.
- The program was inaugurated by Dr.Anusuya Devi VS – HOD – Chemistry and Dr. Revathi V – HOD-Physics.
- 700 students participated in the program.
- The vision of Disha is – Transform youth to Transform Nation. The programs of Disha revolve around the theme “Know Your Self, Know Your Country and Know Your Culture”.
Objectives of the program are:
- To Unleash the inner potential by building self-confidence.
- To facilitate holistic personality development.
- To make the students responsible for themselves and society.
- To lead a purposeful life on the strong foundation of values.