Mr. Varun Makhija of first sem B.E computer science branch attended AIESEC RYLC 2017 national conference

Mr. Varun Makhija of first sem B.E computer science branch attended AIESEC RYLC 2017 national conference. RYLC is the acronym for Regional Youth Leadership Conference. RYLC is the conference held for new AIESEC recruits who are recruited in the month of August, each year. But this year (2017) was special. It had been 10 years since Bangalore had hosted an RYLC, and because of the constant efforts of the Bangalore Local Committee President Nakul S Jayatsen, a dream had come true. A dream of bringing different states together under one roof in the comfort of our beautiful home-city.

Since RYLC is a conference for South and West India, there were AIESECers from various Local Committees including Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Vizag, Suratkal, Mysore, etc. The diversity in a single room was just spectacular! And although there were people who came from different parts of India, there was uniformity in diversity. Uniformity because everyone present there came for the same thing, to develop themselves, and learn more about the functioning of the amazing organization they had recently become a part of, namely AIESEC.