National Mathematics Day- NHCE Chanakya Seminar Hall

Venue: NHCE Chanakya Seminar Hall
Date: 22nd December, 2022
Time: 11 AM-12 PM
Faculty Co-Ordinator’s:
Student Coordinators:
Arshetha C – 22AI014 – 1st Sem – Section A (Treasurer)
Suhas M – 22IS061 – 1st Sem – Section P (Treasurer)
Report By: Ishmita Menon (Board Member)
Total Number of Internal Participants: 200
Total Number of External Participants: 0
Event Poster weblink in NHCE Website:
Targeted Audience: Students from all courses in 1st year
Description of the Event:
The seminar was held to commemorate the birth anniversary of the great Indian Mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan. The students were highly enthusiastic and came away with a much better understanding regarding the beauty of mathematics. The organized guest talk was based on the topic ‘Mathematical Modelling for Engineers’ by the esteemed Dr. Indrani Pramod Kelkar, Subject Admin, Engineer and Basic Sciences- TCS iON, Mumbai.
Dr. Indrani started off the seminar with a fun introduction to mathematics with Ramanujan’s Magic Square, as well as a fun activity that involved making ones own birth date magic square.
Explaining the different mathematical models, she elaborated on Empirical and Theoretical models as well. The characteristics of mathematical models were explained, along with the definition and usages. The seminar was highly informative as well as interesting due to the explanations and the creative ways implemented to teach them in an inclusive manner.
With the understanding of mathematical models as well as the advantages of it, the seminar covered everything the students were inquisitive about in a captivating manner. It also implemented mathematical modeling in aircraft design and other such processes, while also characterizing and giving them a better understanding of the different types of models.
The seminar was fun-filled as well as highly informative, shining a new light on the topic of mathematics towards curious minds